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Personalized Wellness Consultation

Personalized Wellness Consultation

This consultation provides an opportunity for a comprehensive evaluation and deep dive into your medical concerns. Functional medicine involves exploring the root cause of dysfunction keeping in mind the significant roles of lifestyle choices, nutrition, environmental exposure, and genetic influence. Integrative medicine combines any combination of lifestyle changes, nutrition, natural hormones, botanicals, and neutraceuticals and integrates these with conventional medical therapy.

Consider scheduling a Personalized Integrative/Functional Wellness Consultation with Dr. Christine J. Duncan if any of the below questions apply to you.

  • Are you looking to get to the root cause of your problem?
  • Do you want a treatment plan that is customized for you?
  • Are you tired of symptoms that are not going away despite treatment?
  • Do you know you want to make changes to improve your nutrition and health but don’t know how?
  • Are you preparing for pregnancy, going through menopause, or have a recurrent condition?
  • Do you feel imbalanced?

Dr. Duncan has special interest and training in:

  • Women’s Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Saliva testing
  • Menopause Symptoms management
  • Hormone balancing
  • Thyroid balancing

Your initial appointment will be a 60 minute comprehensive consultation to discuss your concerns and go through your personal and medical history. Initial testing may be ordered. You will receive an intake questionnaire to fill out and return prior to your consultation. A visit summary and management plan will be emailed to you after the consultation along with any further testing necessary.

You will have a 30 minute follow up visit 2 to 4 weeks after that. Return appointments will be scheduled as necessary

Communication directly with Dr. Duncan will be available through the patient portal.


  • Menopause Symptoms
  • Menstrual irregularities/Heavy Menses
  • Fatigue/Stress
  • Pre-pregnancy preparation
  • Recurrent vaginitis
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
  • Fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

To make an appointment with Dr. Christine J. Duncan, click the button below!