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Things to Avoid While Pregnant

Things to Avoid While Pregnant

Pregnancy can be both an exciting and worrisome time. Our OBGYN on Long Island at Women4Women has the information you need to help yourself and your baby stay healthy during pregnancy. Here are some things to avoid while pregnant.

  1. Smoking and Alcohol Use

Smoking and alcohol use are widely regarded as one of the biggest problems for having a healthy baby. Alcohol bottles have warnings from the surgeon general regarding the risk of drinking during pregnancy. The use of alcohol has been known to cause what is known as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which has serious health problems for your baby.

Smoking during pregnancy has been linked to high blood pressure, preeclampsia, low birth weight, preterm birth, and the mouth and lip’s birth defects. This includes e-cigarettes and vaping, which contain nicotine and cause birth defects of the baby’s brain and lungs. This will consist of secondhand smoke, which has many cancer-causing agents and can result in a miscarriage.

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It should also be noted that the use of other drugs and substances will go directly into the baby’s bloodstream and likely cause many of the above problems and a baby’s dependency on the drug after birth. Be sure to consult with your OBGYN on Long Island about the use of any of these before you become pregnant.

  1. Certain foods

There are several foods to be avoided during pregnancy. These include:

  • Raw meat and seafood: These can cause several types of infection for the baby or high mercury levels, which can lead to brain damage.
  • Soft cheeses – These can contain listeria, which can cause severe infection for yourself and the baby.
  • Caffeine – This increases blood pressure, heart rate, and going to the bathroom on an already-strained bladder. Chocolate, tea, and over-the-counter medications contain caffeine too. Your OBGYN on Long Island will go over with you what you can and cannot use for pain relief during your pregnancy.
  1. Household supplies

Several items that you likely have in your house should be avoided during pregnancy as well.

  • High heels – Any shoe that elevates you can make you more off-balance due to your growing baby.
  • Hot tubs and saunas – Too high of temperatures can cause birth defects in babies.
  • Kitty litter – Toxoplasmosis is a parasite that can be contracted from cat feces.
  1. Believing all you read

There are a lot of theories, home remedies, and fears that surround pregnancy. The best thing to do if you are having fears about your pregnancy is to ask your OBGYN on Long Island for information about what you read. They will present you with articles and knowledge on the topics you are concerned about.

  1. Too much activity

During pregnancy, you may be wondering about just how much you are supposed to be moving around or relaxing. Two of the most common problems with too much activity are swollen ankles and vein problems. An easy solution for these is to elevate your feet on a pillow or chair to get the blood moving correctly again. Taking frequent breaks is essential to be sure this does not happen to you.

While it is important to discuss just how much you exercise before your pregnancy with your doctor, you can keep working out as you were before or start light exercise. Knowing your limitations and not pushing yourself too hard is important, but continuing to move during this time is also crucial for your health and the baby.

We also have some tips here about things you’ll want to be sure to look out for and do while pregnant as well. Here is how you can stay on track to avoid a high-risk pregnancy.

  • See your OBGYN on Long Island regularly. You’ll want to check to be sure you are up-to-date on vaccinations, vitamins, and sonograms of your baby’s development.
  • Check-in with your family and friends. They’ll want to know how you are doing both medically and mentally during your pregnancy, and it’s essential to be honest with loved ones and yourself if you feel something is wrong.
  • Keep stress levels low. Doing so will help to reduce other possible medical issues on your body and keep both you and your baby healthy.

OBGYN on Long Island

Overall, staying on top of your health is key to your baby’s health. Being aware of what to avoid through to full term will be best for the both of you! Book your appointment at Women4Women today.